Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sega’s New Pee-Operated Video Games

Could it get any weirder. Sega wants men to have fun when they are urinating in public. Is it just me or is it an attempt to catch your attention while you pee. Are we that ADD that we can't concentrate long enough to use the restroom. Here is some info.....................

Sega is venturing into the urinals of Japan with their new bathroom-based gaming consoles called Toylets. The consoles, which will be free to play, will feature a variety of games which range from the benign to the truly weird. The controller in all of the games is the user’s stream of urine.

A pressure-sensitive plate is embedded in each urinal to detect the length and strength of each player’s pee supply. The stream becomes an integral part of the game: in one, the on-screen play simply measures the player’s output. In another, the stream acts as a pressure washer to scrub graffiti from walls. A game called The North Wind and Her is a little more misogynistic, using a strong stream of urine as the north wind which is trying its best to blow a girl’s skirt up. Milk From Nose compares the strength of a user’s urine stream with the previous player’s: two sumo wrestlers try to push each other out of the ring using milk they blow out of their noses. The stronger you can pee, the stronger the milk stream from your character’s nose will be.

Players who earn particularly boast-worthy scores can insert a USB stick into the console to download the data and later show off to friends. The game screen can also be used to display advertisements either before or after the game. While we’re highly disturbed by the prospect of a touch screen anything in a bathroom, we’re guessing that giving men something to aim for in the urinals will result in much, much cleaner public toilets. Gajitz

Here are a few games.................
  • Manneken Pis, in which the pressure of the stream is directly translated to how much liquid was urinated.
  • Graffiti Eraser, where graffiti on a wall is removed with a hose. The stronger the pressure of your urine, the faster the wall becomes pristine.
  • The North Wind and Her, in which a horny north wind tries to blow a dress off a girl. The stronger the pressure of your urine, the harder it blows.
  • Milk from Nose, a faux-sumo game in which two characters blow milk out of their noses to push the other out of the ring. The stronger pressure between you and the person that used that urinal before you wins. Yes, it’s a multiplayer game – albeit non-realtime.

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