Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not you parents' newspaper

Newspapers might be on their way out but some feel as though it just needs to be adjusted for the digital age. Regardless, the traditional newspaper as we know it is dying very fast. Here is some info from Gajitz:

Designers have been all about the e-paper designs lately, and a major electronics company even unveiled a working prototype in early 2010. But so far, the designs haven’t centered on trying to maintain a familiar form. That’s where this concept from student designers Manny Darden, Jae Kim and Scott Liao differs from the others: it’s meant to call to mind the traditional look and feel of a newspaper. Its four-column layout does indeed look like one of those old-fashioned newspaper contraptions, but with some notable improvements: it’s weatherproof, the content is user-controlled, and it’s much thinner than a newspaper but with more information.

THE PAGE_Adaptive Delivery Device from Scott Liao on Vimeo.

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