Monday, March 7, 2011

My Tech Heaven

OK, OK, It has been a long time since my last post. That's only because I haven't found anything that I thought was interesting ................Until TODAY. This is truly the best "concept" I've seen.

I introduce to you, My tech Heaven..................

Every time I watch this video I turn into a little kid hoping that one day this will be an everyday thing.

I first saw this video on The Awesomer. It comes from Corning Inc.

Please watch the whole video


  1. Vielka Bonilla-ReinaMarch 7, 2011 at 11:13 AM

    WOW! Love it. By the time that happens, we will be the gray haired grandparent in the video speaking to our grandkids. HA! One thing I do know is that we will save with not have to buy blinds/curtains BUT we sure will need A LOT of windex and purell. ;-)
